Category Archives: Life

  • Zone of Silence

    Zone of Silence

    Left Speechless by the Monday February 17th, 2014 vote that sent BC Housing, it’s $$$millions$$$ of dollars and 60 years of support in search of a city with politicians who do not extol the virtue of voting irrationally, residents of The Breckenridge Zone created these images.

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  • How to tell if....

    How to tell if….

    HOW TO TELL IF YOU’RE IN THE    Sudden advent of narration.  Listen for a menacing voiceover making cryptic, insinuating suggestions about you or your future.      Aggressive normalcy of environment. Look for signs that everything in your life, marriage, small Midwestern town, or home ...

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  • Stylin' Chapeau

    Stylin’ Chapeau

    I do not often wear anything on my head since any form of headgear interferes with the escape of heat from my head, which leads to problems of overheating as a result of my enjoyment in engaging in the ultimate contact sport – Thinking. It is even more unusual for me to wear the baseball […]

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