Chronicles of the Treewisemen XXV

So Missus Treewisemen added pictures on Facebook, which led to me perusing pictures of the landscape handiwork of the Treewisemen. I quickly recognized the pictures of a small project on South Fraser Way just before the overpass that passes over Highway 1.

As I was admiring the rock work/landscaping and how well it suited the house,


I found myself asking myself  “What’s that?”


And leaning towards the monitor and squinting to make sure that what had caught my eye existed and was not simply a result of a few pixels going astray.

Hmmmmmmmmm………….not stay pixels.



There it was, but what exactly is ‘It’?



Is a similar ‘It’ in any other pictures of Treewisemen handiwork?


Not only an ‘It’ but an’It’ seen from a different angle.

But still, what is ‘It’? Zooming in on `It` resulted in an unintelligible view of individual pixel squares.

Time to break out the algorithms and let them massage and interpret the data……




An interesting self promotion ploy Mr Treewisemen, a little sneaky, and definitely an unexpected creative use of combining the English language with a skewed sense of humour.

But all in all a rather entertaining use of humour and language for self promotion.


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