Simple Elephant Stew Recipe


1 medium sized elephant (African are best)
500 kilograms potatoes
200 kilograms carrots
100 kilograms tomatoes
200 kilograms onions
700 Tbs. salt
700 Tbs. pepper

48 cups flour
10 litres vinegar

20 litres chutney
6750 litres brown gravy

450 water

4 rabbits



Remove tusks; wash well; cut elephant into bite-size pieces (allow for 2 weeks to do this)

Place meat in large kettles; season with salt and pepper (reserve some salt and pepper for final adjustment); brown meat; add flour.

Cover with the brown gravy and water then simmer for 4 weeks or until tender.

When the meat is tender, add the vegetables. Simmer for 48 hours.
Add salt and pepper to taste. Simmer for 24 hours.


Serves 3500 people. If more are expected, the four rabbits may be added. However this should be done only if necessary as most people do not like to find  hare in their stew’

Try not to have any stew left-over as the stew is best served fresh.

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